February 28, 2011


I got a bath! I hate baths. I also smelled gross, the guy said something about "gasoline" and that some of it must have spilled on me during my flight. Whatever it was, it smelled awful and I'm glad most of it is off. There's still a faint smell of it, but at least I don't feel sick anymore!

I had to poop, but I could only do it after the guy took off the choker, that thing makes me nervous. I thought about bolting, but I REALLY had to go! And I have no idea where to go.

Leash training

I got a good night's sleep, the girl driver and her sister left sometime early but I was still too tired and nervous to care. Will Mom come get me today?!

The guy came back and he showed me some stuffed toys that seemed like fun, I didn't know what I wanted to play with first. Plus I still don't know where I am! But I finally got bored with hanging out in bed and started checking out this miniature house. I like that there's this thing called "carpet" everywhere, it's warm and feels like home!

The guy put the choke thingamajig around my neck again, and this time it was too tight for me to break free, waaah! We went outside to some grassy areas (yay) where I could pee, but I made the guy carry me because there's no way I'm walking with that choker around my neck. I'm from Texas, that's a hangman's noose!

I'm still pretty tired, the guy kept saying jetlagged? I ended up sleeping (and eating!) for most of the day, so I didn't have a chance to think about why mom wasn't around.


I don't know why but my mom put me in a crate today and we went for a ride, I thought it was to the vet again, but we ended up at this place where there were a lot of flying machines. I thought it was pretty neat, until my mom said goodbye and she went away! WHAT DID I DO?! And then I was whisked away into a couple of those flying machines, I had food and water but it was so dark and cold in there! I finally landed somewhere called "National Airport" a long time later, and a guy picked me up. He talked to me and tried petting me, but I hid in the corner of the crate and refused to let him touch me. FREAK! But I had to get into the guy's arms when the crate started moving and I got motion sickness. I was getting sick of it anyway, it smelled awful. Once I got out, there were so many great big cars everywhere, and they were loud and stinky, especially the monstrosity that the guy called a "Metrobus."

We got into another car, and I was so confused. Where was mom?! There was a girl driving, but she wasn't mom; I sat in the guy's lap and he held me close and pet me, which sort of helped. But it really helped when he gave me some food, that was nice of him. But when we finally stopped, it still wasn't home, and the guy put a rope around my neck! It wasn't tight so I slipped out easily, but then I had no idea where to go. There isn't as much grass as mom's house, I happened to find a fenced-in yard but then I had nowhere to go. I finally gave up when the guy held out some more food, and this time he picked me up and carried me instead of putting that choker around my neck.

Anyway, the 4 of us walked into a building and into a miniature house. Where was mom's house and that backyard? Did I do something wrong?! I did have 2 comfy beds to sleep in, at least, and I was pretty tired from flying so that was good. The guy left shortly after, but the girl driver and her sister stayed with me until I fell asleep. Guess I'll figure out what's going on tomorrow, right now I just want to sleeeeeeeep....zzzzz