March 23, 2011


Dad has my crate set up in the bathroom so that I have a clear view of his bedroom but he leaves the crate door open in such a way that I can't get to the bedroom. Well, too bad for him, because I just figured out how to crawl underneath the door and get to the bedroom! YES!! Not that there's anything to do in the bedroom, he has a gate set up blocking the other side of the bed, so I know where I need to go to get to the good stuff!

March 21, 2011

Strike a pose

I love taking pictures. Dad calls me the Ladies' Man, boo yeah.

I ♥ paper!

Dad got mad at me again for peeing on the carpet. I can't help it, it's so soft and fuzzy and warm! There's not much I can do, especially when Dad sleeps. Who sleeps during the day anyway?!

Bahaha, I stole a magazine off the coffee table today. I had no idea there was another side, but I did some exploring and boy, did I find a treasure trove of magazines! SO MUCH PAPER, SO LITTLE TIME!!

March 14, 2011


So I found some spare paper lying around Dad's house today. I love this stuff!


Dad has been trying to give me commands. I don't know why, he knows I'll do whatever it takes to get a tasty treat! I know I need to sit as soon as there's food coming my way, but then Dad won't bring it to me and wants me to move to him, what's that all about?! It's a battle of wills, but he always wins because I really want a treat. As long as I sit or lie down when Dad says "Sit!" I'll be OK. He always says I'm doing it wrong when I lie down and tries to get me to stand up so he can say "sit!" again, but I don't see the point since all I want is the treat!

March 10, 2011


Rain rain, go away, please come back another day! I hate this stuff, but my rain jacket makes it tolerable (barely).

March 9, 2011


I'm starting to get used to peeing on this pad thing, I still prefer the carpet but Dad makes sure I don't have access to that when he disappears and when he sleeps I really have no other choice. Dad walks me for a REALLY long time twice a day, so I'm usually too tired to get into any mischief. But sometimes Dad forgets to walk me (usually when it's raining outside, but that's mostly because I hate the rain) and when he does, WATCH OUT! Magazines, toilet paper, furniture, it's all getting gobbled up!

The weird thing I've noticed about my new home (Dad says it's called "Arlington" but I know that's not true because that's in Texas!) is that there's a lot of hard surfaces here that I never had back home. I mean, I'll be walking along and all of a sudden I'll come across this round circular thing that Dad calls a "manhole cover." He walks on them and tries to get me to go, but I refuse! I know something bad will happen when I walk on one, Dad even tried tricking me by putting a tasty treat in the middle of one, but I stretched and moved around and stretched some more until I finally reached it. There's also red stuff called "bricks" along our walk, as well as a deep hole that's covered by a "grate." I avoid all that stuff, which Dad hates because he says I need to look both ways before getting on to the street. Dad says I'm the "Adrian Monk" of the dog world, I'm sure that's a compliment!

March 8, 2011


Mom watched me tonight as Dad disappeared once again (he seems to do this quite often, I wonder where he goes?). We had an accident though, she didn't seem to realize I wasn't done pooping so she pulled on my collar, which made me topple over and land on my poop! She tried wiping it off, but she didn't get it all, so I ended up leaving poo all over my crate and Dad's bathroom floor. He was very upset when he got home, as was I since I couldn't even sleep in my crate, the poo (and smell) was so bad. He gave me a bath/shower when he got home, which I absolutely hated, but at least I felt and smelled clean afterward! Dad spent most of the day cleaning the bathroom and my two beds and my crate and my blankie and my toys. Now everything smells fresh. Yay!

March 6, 2011


Went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house today, I love their mansion! Grandpa tried walking me but he doesn't do it the right way, he pulls too hard so it feels like I'm getting choked. I'm sure he'll get the hang of it eventually, but until then, I'll just sit on the front porch and stare intently at the door so he gets the hint!

A bit of bad news, for some reason, Dad left right around bedtime? I was so confused and scared! But Grandpa left me in an awesome crate with a warm bed and lots of toys and one of Dad's shirts so I was ok, I just went to sleep.

March 5, 2011

House breaking and dog party

I was wondering what all the food Dad bought was for. Turns out a bunch of other dogs came over for a party! I met a giant dog named Atlas, and an MONSTER dog named Nalu. Nalu was pretty chill for being such a beast, Atlas was a nutter though, he kept begging for food. I'm going to have to learn that! I'm pretty sure everyone loved me the best though.

Dad wasn't too happy that I keep peeing inside, but I can't help it, this "carpet" is sooooo comfy on my feet! I love it!! Plus it's a new home so I need to let other dogs know that it's *my* house. Dad keeps yelling "NO!" and "PAD!" and points at the grassy-smelling paper on the ground whenever I go. I think he wants me to go on it, but I prefer the warm fuzziness of this "carpet" miracle.

March 4, 2011

Clarendon Dog Park

We went to the dog park again, and this time I played and ran like crazy! It was so much fun!! I even played with a bunch of big dogs, until one of them tried to nip me and it hurt. That's when I ran to Dad and we left. Dad went to pick up snacks and wine for a "dog party" tonight while Mom took me to a pet store for more fun toys and yummy treats!


I have a big crate that I sometimes like to sleep in during the day, but last night Dad put me in it and left me outside his room! What did I do wrong?! I cried and tried to get out for a while until Dad finally moved the crate back into his room; I don't know why I couldn't just stay in there in the first place! I've also decided that I like my green bed, but I don't like the blue bed because it has a fluffy pillow on it. Who sleeps on top of a puffy pillow?

March 3, 2011

Doggie park

Today, we went to a place called a "dog park." Turns out it's just a fenced-in area where I can roam free with other dogs! I mostly stuck to the edges though, I didn't know the other dogs and some of them didn't seem all too friendly, especially the giant ones. But I REALLY liked running free when nobody was around to bother me, it was great! The best part was when I met a couple dogs like me, Dad said they were poodles. They recognized me as family like I did them, and we had some fun romping and sniffing.

I found out that paper is really fun to chew and tear apart! It's like I'm a master hunter, I can pounce and tear that apart. Who's your daddy now?!

I also found out that it's not hard to jump up on the couch. Glad I found that out, I hated pawing Dad just to get his attention to put me on the couch next to him.


This morning, I woke up when it was still dark outside, it was scary so I started pawing at Dad. He was grumbly but he played with me for a bit until I calmed down and then we both went back to sleep.

Later in the day, we went for a walk with the collar again. I don't mind the collar anymore, it helps me feel close to Dad. Along the way, we ran into another dog, I hadn't seen one like this before so I yelled at him. Dad wasn't too happy about that! Right now, I'm just curled up in a little ball with my sock monkey. I ♥ sock monkeys!

March 2, 2011


Dad put the collar on again, I'm starting to get used to it. I still jump when it gets tight, and if I can see Dad I will just sit and refuse to move, which he finds amusing for some reason. But if Dad stands behind me and I can't see him, it's almost like the collar isn't there and I won't choke. We stayed outside like that for quite a while, I'm beginning to like it. I got lots of treats for going potty, and I got enough exercise that I was pretty tired afterward! It's not the same as roaming free in Texas, but it's a good alternative, especially the gourmet food, treats, and all the attention I get.


We went to the vet today! I knew it as soon as I heard the barking. I got up to take a better look as we pulled into the lot, but the ride was choppy so I fell over backwards and Dad laughed about it. I don't know why!

Anyway, the vet said I was a good boy and that I look healthy. The nail clipping hurt though, she said black nails are harder to cut and that must be true because I started bleeding! She gave me a pill for something and we stopped for some flea/tick medicine. A very good day for me! I was very happy so I wanted to run and play once we got back to the miniature house. But I still refused to move once the noose went on (Dad keeps calling it a "collar") so it wasn't much fun.

March 1, 2011

Schnoodle 500

We went to another house today! I saw the girl who drove us home my first night and the other girl who stayed with us that night. There were 2 other girls I got to meet too, it was fun! And Dad liked it because I got to meet more people and roamed around with new people. He said I did a good job! I ran around with my butt tucked in and caused a bit of a ruckus, but that's just me doing my thang. Dad knew what I was doing and laughed, but the girls thought I was doing something bad!


We went for a drive today! I thought I'd get to see Mom again, but nope, we went to a place called "Springfield" where I met Grandma and Grandpa. Wait, so does that mean no more Mom?? :(

The drive and finding out Mom got rid of me didn't help my nerves so all I did was eat and sleep some more. At least Grandma and Grandpa seem nice, and they live in a giant house so I have lots of room to roam.

The guy (I guess I have to refer to him as Dad now!) put me in my crate in the bathroom overnight, but he left the door open so that I could roam a bit. Good thing he did, because I needed to potty! I assumed I was supposed to use the pad as the bathroom because it smells like the outdoors!