February 21, 2012


I don't know what I did to make Dad hate me but he keeps trying to stick stuff in my ears! I hated the lady who did that to me so I don't know why he keeps trying to do the same. He keeps saying it's medicine, but I think I did something wrong! :-( I have noticed my ears feeling fresher, but I bet that's just a coincidence.

February 17, 2012

One year

Dad said we were going to the dog park today, and I LOOOOOOOVE the dog park! But that involved a detour to the vet, for SHOTS! Dad is sneaky!! But he said that also means I've lived here for a whole year, so we get to do whatever I want today! Ice cream, chicken, and dog park, yay!!


We are ignoring each other!!

February 14, 2012


What is this? SO MANY DOGS ON TV! I love watching these guys, and dad says my family line terriers will be shown tonight w00t!

February 13, 2012


Today, a big blue truck came by as cousin Leo and I were taking our morning constitutional and this arm thing came out and picked up a bunch of green bins and made a racket! Leo and I were getting scared, Dad says it was just a trash truck and that we have one in Arlington too, but I just never see it. I don't believe him! But it eventually moved away and we were able to continue on our merry way.

February 12, 2012


I chased the ball behind the couch but now I'm stuck!

February 11, 2012


Dad tried leaving me last night without leaving me a treat (all he left was a Kong filled with kibble, boo!), I made sure he couldn't leave until he gave me the real deal! But it turned out the Kong was filled with peanut butter so I got double deliciousness nyuk nyuk nyuk

February 7, 2012


Some shortie just said I was scary. Yeah, that's right! I'm FIERCE!!

January 30, 2012

My dumb cousin

He's so stoopid

January 29, 2012



Cousin Leo is so annoying! All he does is follow me and steal my stuff. He snakes the ball and treats and squeak toys and my food! What a jerkface.

January 25, 2012


Why is cousin Leo such a dorkus maximus? I taught him how to jump and how to go up and down stairs, but he still doesn't like climbing the wood stairs unless I go back down and nip at him. Dog, for such a big guy he sure is a fraidy cat!

upset tummy

I was sick yesterday, I had bad diarrhea all over Grandma and Granpa's carpets, I felt bad but I really had to go. Then I threw up all over their bed! At least I got porridge and boiled chicken out of it. :-) Dad thinks it might be because I ate cousin Leo's food, but it may also be because of the rawhide chew treats. I hope it's not because of the rawhide, it's SOOOO GOOD!!

January 10, 2012

White stuff

Why doesn't this taste yummy!? It's just very cold water!

January 3, 2012

New car

<p>So dad bought a new car, it's really tall like the one he had last spring. It's a lot harder to get into, I need his help, and it smells funny (something called "new car smell") but dad seems to like it so whatever floats his boat!